What is Neuromarketing? Why and How to Use?

With neuromarketing, which explores the real reasons behind the customer's purchasing preferences, brands are closer than ever to understanding the mind of the consumer. So what does neuromarketing say in short?

What is Neuromarketing? Why and How to Use?
Reading Time 2 min / Publish Date - 30.03.2023

Neuromarketing is a research branch that scientifically measures and reports consumer experiences with special devices in a laboratory environment.

It divides the target audience to be measured into focus groups. Then, the analysis of the data from the subjects takes place with eye tracking and brain imaging devices.

Traditional research methods are generally based on asking questions to the consumer. In many cases, however, the consumer does not know what he likes or dislikes and why. In this case, it leads brands to errors with their answers.


How is Neuromarketing Used?

At this point, neuromarketing aims to find reasons that even the consumer himself does not know. Neuromarketing, which helps brands to understand the consumer mind and incorporates the invisible part of the iceberg into fiction, has been accepted among today's indispensable research methods.

Humans are emotional beings. That's why we don't do everything rationally. We can buy a product just because we like its packaging. When we talk about topics we are interested in, we are suddenly distracted. All of these issues are in the field of neuromarketing.

There are many neuromarketing pieces of training available in the market today. Many of these describe how neuromarketing research works. It also teaches the basic principles of the emotional side of the human being.


What Methods Does It Use?

- Focus group: First of all, the right focus groups are necessary for every research.
- Eye scan: Quantitatively records and reports pupil movements with special glasses.
- EEG: Every emotion creates electrical currents in the brain. EEG (Electroencephalography) device measures these currents.
- fNIRS: Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy


What Does Neuromarketing Say?

- Give simple messages, and avoid complexity.
- Be visual, because visuals are much easier to perceive than texts.
- Look through the eyes of the target audience, put yourself in their shoes.
- Appeal to emotions.
- Give people reasons to buy, not the product or service.
- Be positive.

Neuromarketing Consumer Perception Advertising Consumer Experience

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