Does Neuromarketing Work?

Actually, the answer to this question is the same as the answer to the question whether neuroscience works; Yes. Neuromarketing is much more than just internet content like "6 magic ways to increase your brand's sales". First of all, neuromarketing is a science...

Does Neuromarketing Work?
Reading Time 2 min / Publish Date - 02.04.2023

Neuromarketing has become a rising trend in recent times. As such, many people who do not specialize in this field are doing something with the logic of how to benefit from this job. The resulting information pollution confuses people about whether neuromarketing is effective or not.


So what is Neuroscience?

Neuroscience, in its simplest definition, is a science based on the investigation of the nervous system.

It conducts research on basic and behavioral sciences such as neuroscience, sensory systems, motor control, and psychiatry, which can traditionally be considered a branch of biology. We now know that most of what we called behavioral in the past is actually related to the nervous system. Therefore, there are many predictions that the next century will be the century of neuroscience.

Neuromarketing is also the field of neuroscience that studies behavior.


How Does Neuromarketing Work?

Let's not go too far into scientific matters. Behavioral neuroscience is the study of the brain and its effects on human behavior.

At this point, marketing and neuroscience, which want to learn about the factors that affect people's purchasing decisions, intersect. And neuromarketing emerges. Neuromarketing ads are at the focal point of this intersection.


Does neuromarketing work?

In fact, neuromarketing research methods are the same as neuroscience. Therefore, we can trust neuromarketing as much as we trust neuroscience.

The methods used in research in the field of neuromarketing are as follows;

fMRI: It looks at the parts of the brain responsible for certain emotions, such as reward, pleasure, and anxiety. It measures the emotion created by the commercial film in the consumer by looking at where the blood flow in the brain is most.

EEG: The human brain generates electricity when it feels any emotion. The EEG method analyzes in which part of the brain this electricity is produced. In this way, it helps to evaluate the advertisement.

Eye Tracking: Examines the movement of consumers' eyeballs. It allows you to understand where they look most in the images.

Gsr: When we feel emotions such as fear, or excitement, our skin reacts to it. GSR also serves to measure these reactions in our skin. 


Neuromarketing Methods

All these neuromarketing methods yield much more reliable results than conventional research. You can find more information on this subject in our article ‘’Why Neuromarketing Was Developed?’’

Another point is that these methods eliminate the problems caused by the cultural differences between the subjects. Because the region activated for a certain sense is the same in every person.

All of this proves that neuromarketing is much more than just internet content like "6 magic ways to increase your brand's sales". First of all, neuromarketing is a science.

In conclusion, the fundamentals of neuromarketing are the same as neuroscience. The research methods used by neuromarketing and their benefits are scientific facts. World giants such as Microsoft, Facebook, Google, and Pepsi cannot be using neuromarketing techniques for no reason, right?

Neuromarketing Neuroscience

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